We know you’ve all been waiting for this and we’re excited to let you know we are reopening our Hydro pool, 25m pool, Health Club and café in line with Victorian Government restrictions!
Hydro pool
Bookings for the Hydro pool will be at quarter past the hour and sessions will be 45 minutes long.
The cost is $5 per person, per session. The Hydro pool will be limited to 15 people, with 5 spots reserved for carers, so bookings are essential.
If you wish to bring a support person with you, please call us on 5334 2499 so we can register your support person and book their spot in the pool. Your support person won’t be charged an entry fee.
25m pool
Bookings will be at quarter to the hour and sessions will be 45 minutes long.
The cost is $5 per person, per session. The 25m pool will be limited to 20 people, so bookings are essential.
Health Club
Bookings will be on the half hour and sessions will be 45 minutes long.
The cost is $8 per person, per session. The Health Club will be limited to 20 people, so bookings are essential.
Find out what you need to do before coming to the Health Club here.
New customer portal
We would like to introduce the new online customer portal to help manage your bookings within the Centre.
From Wednesday 24 June, all bookings will be made via our new system.
You can find help to guide you through our new booking system here.
Please note: for bookings on Tuesday 23 June, please use the current booking system here.
Café Lifestyle
Café Lifestyle at BALC will re-open on Wednesday 24 June. While we’re getting back up and running, we’ll only be able to offer coffees and bottled water, but we’ll have our food back on the menu again soon!
In line with Victorian Government restrictions, only 15 people will be allowed to be seated at one time, so if you’re only coming for coffee, please consider takeaway.
Change rooms
We’re excited to be able to open our change rooms in a limited capacity on Wednesday 24 June. Only individual change rooms will be available, our group change rooms remain closed.
To make sure people can access change rooms when they’re needed, we’re asking everyone to wear their bathers under their clothes and shower before coming to the Centre and use the change rooms at the end of their session in the pool.
The main entrance to BALC reopens
The main entrance to BALC will reopen on Wednesday 24 June at 6am. Bookings for all sessions are essential.
Phone lines are open
Our phone lines are open from 9am to 5pm (03) 5334 2499.
We’re looking forward to seeing you all back in the Centre again soon.