Ballarat Aquatic and Lifestyle Centre (BALC) will begin enforcing their no towel, no workout policy from Monday 16 March 2020.
Advice from the Commonwealth Government, World Health Organisation (WHO), and Victorian Government to limit the spread of COVID-19 (Coronavirus) encourages everyone to follow good hygiene practices to limit the spread of this new virus.
The Ballarat Aquatic and Lifestyle Centre will be requiring patrons to bring and use a sweat towel during their sessions in the Health Club and Group Fitness classes. This will help with ensuring everyone who is working out in the Centre is following good hygiene practices to limit the spread of viruses when they’re visiting the Centre.
Patrons will also need to wipe down their mats and equipment before and after use with the antibacterial wipes provided throughout the Health Club and in each of the Group Fitness rooms.
Patrons have been encouraged to leave no trace and bring a sweat towel to use in the Health Club and Group Fitness classes, which has not been strictly enforced in the past.
Advice from the Department of Health and Human Services includes continuing healthy habits such as drinking water and exercising. BALC is encouraging customers to follow the Department’s advice to wash hands regularly, use an alcohol-based sanitiser – hand sanitising stations are available throughout the Centre for Customers to use – and cough and sneeze into a tissue or their elbows.
Ballarat Aquatic and Lifestyle Centre is also encouraging members of the public to consider rescheduling their visit to the Centre if they are feeling unwell or displaying cold and flu symptoms.
Customers who forget or do not have a towel are able to purchase towels from our Customer Service team.
Patrons are reminded that abusive language and behaviour towards staff and other patrons will not be tolerated.
Read Ballarat Aquatic and Lifestyle Centre’s Health Club Etiquette and Safety Policy.
Advice from the Department of Health and Human Services includes:
- Wash hands often with soap and running water, for at least 20 seconds. Dry with paper towel or hand dryer.
- Try not to touch your eyes, nose or mouth.
- Cover your nose and mouth with a tissue when you cough or sneeze. If you don’t have a tissue cough or sneeze into your upper sleeve or elbow.
- Isolate yourself at home if you feel sick. If you take medication ensure you have adequate supplies.
- Phone your GP first if you need medical attention. They will tell you what to do.
- Continue healthy habits: exercise, drink water, get plenty of sleep, and now is the time to quit smoking. Call the Quitline 137 848.
- Don’t wear a face mask if you are well.
- Buy an alcohol-based hand sanitiser with over 60 per cent alcohol.
- Get the flu shot (available April).
- Shaking hands is optional.