From 1 January 2016, all parents/guardians seeking to enrol their child at an early childhood service in Victoria must provide evidence that their child is:
- fully immunised for their age OR
- on a vaccination catch-up program OR
- unable to be fully immunised for medical reasons.
The ‘No Jab No Play’ law will apply to all early childhood education and care services in Victoria that provide:
- long day care
- kindergarten
- occasional care
- family day care.
What you need to do
If your child is fully immunised you may not need to do anything in order to meet the No Jab No Play requirements, because existing legislation already requires that immunisation information is provided on enrolment in an early childhood education and care service.
You can get copy of your child’s most recent Immunisation History Statement from the Australian Childhood Immunisation Register (ACIR) as evidence of your child’s immunisation.
To request an Immunisation History Statement contact the ACIR:
- phone 1800 653 809