The benefits of Pilates
The benefits that Pilates will provide you are endless, however here are some of the broader benefits for you to get excited about.
During Pilates movements, the focus on strengthening and lengthening the muscles at the same time produces long, lean, strong overall muscle tone that doesn’t create bulk. These results are unlike any other type of exercise, so if you feel like you have already tried everything to get the body you want without success, Pilates will astound you. You can expect overall slimming, greatly improved flexibility and increased mobility, even in just a short space of time. Alignment and postural correction will have you holding yourself differently, standing taller, sitting straighter and moving with better balance and coordination.
You will feel an inner strength and heightened body awareness as you become in tune with the subtleties of your individual needs. This newfound enlightenment will empower you to be able to train yourself with the best possible efficiency, using your time most effectively. Pilates isn’t the type of workout where you leave feeling tired and disheveled. Instead you will leave with increased energy levels, a clear, focused mindset and a body that feels strong and in control having been through a challenging workout. Pilates gives you positive systemic effects on all of your body systems, stimulating and eliminating toxins and waste. You will find improvement to your digestion system including an increased metabolic rate as well as a constant booster to your immune system.
Pilates also provides many more specific benefits for differing populations including improvement to pelvic floor function, bone density improvement and lung capacity/breathing technique improvement amongst many others.
Source: http://www.pfiwa.com.au/start/what-is-pilates//