Friday 29 October 2021
Children’s swimming and gymnastics lessons (Healthy Kids membership) will restart on Monday 8 November for all ages and classes.
Classes will start where we left off in Term 3. This means your child will be able to return to their class as it was before the last lockdown on the same day at the same time.
The first direct debit for Healthy Kids memberships will take place on Friday 5 November. This payment will be for lessons that start on Monday 8 November through to Thursday 18 November.
The next fortnightly direct debit will take place on Friday 19 November and will include lessons that are held from Friday 19 November through to Thursday 2 November.
Important vaccination information:
- From Saturday 30 October, anyone over the age 16, including parent/guardians, will need to show proof of COVID-19 vaccination to visit BALC, unless a medical exemption applies.
- You will need to show your ‘Service Victoria check in tick’ and vaccination certificate to our Customer Service team when you arrive at the Centre.
- Students aged 16 and older who are enrolled and have a membership card will only need to their vaccination certificate once if their parent/guardian gives verbal consent for their vaccination to be noted as sighted in their record.
- We recommend you add your vaccination certificate to your Service Victoria app to make it easier to show your vaccination certificate when you arrive at BALC.
COVID restrictions
Programs will have some COVID restrictions to make sure we have a COVID safe environment for our visitors and staff
For gymnastics and Balance Play please note the following:
- We ask that only one parent/guardian per child attend the centre.
- If your child is aged 10 or over, we encourage you bring them into gymnastics, drop them off and return to collect them at the end of class to help limit numbers in the upstairs viewing area, while there are limits on how many people we can have there.
- We ask that you please do not gather or stand around in the hallways. Please either drop your child at the entrance to the Gymnastics Hall or take them upstairs to wait for their coach to collect them.
- Any gymnast aged 12 years and older must wear a mask. These can be removed when classes start. Children will need to put masks back on at the end of class.
- Parents/guardians coming to Balance Play must wear a mask during class.
Aquatic programs
- We ask that only one parent/guardian per child attend the centre.
- Children aged 12 years and older must wear a mask while in the Centre. Masks must be removed just before entering the water for class. Children will need to put masks back on at the end of class.
- Parents/guardians/spectators must always wear a mask while in the Centre (including the pool hall). If you are supporting your child in the water, you can remove your mask just before entering the pool.
COVID safety
BALC has a COVIDSafe plan to make sure we keep everyone safe while at the Centre. Our COVIDSafe plan includes:
- all staff must be double vaccinated
- frequent cleaning of all equipment and high touch areas
- hand sanitising stations are available for all staff and patrons
- staff must wear masks until they start teaching their class, and masks must be put back on after class
- all staff must check in when arriving at the Centre and are not to work if showing symptoms of COVID-19.