Monday 16 March 2020
The COVID-19 outbreak is an unprecedented event in recent history. To protect the health of residents and staff, the City of Ballarat has instigated its Response and Recovery Pandemic 2020 Plan for its staff, ratepayers, residents and the broader community. Evidence from around the world has shown that pre-emptive measures are extremely effective in containing the spread of the disease.
As a result, Ballarat Aquatic and Lifestyle Centre will close at 5pm on 16 March 2020, indefinitely.
We understand that members will have a number of questions. Please see below Q&A for information.
Does the shutdown relate to all services and fitness activities and future events?
Yes, all centre activities and services are closed.
Does that include the children’s centre (creche)?
Yes, the children’s centre (creche) will also be closed during this period.
What happens to my Ballarat Aquatic and Lifestyle Centre Membership during the shutdown?
All memberships, including healthy kids’ memberships will be suspended and you will not be charged for your membership during the shutdown period.
What if I have paid my membership upfront? Will I be refunded, or will my membership be extended?
All memberships, including children’s programs and other memberships paid for upfront, will be suspended so you can continue your membership when the centre re-opens.
How long will the shutdown last?
The shutdown is effective from 5pm Monday, 16 March 2020 and is indefinite. Please refer to our website and Facebook page for regular updates during the shutdown period.
What if I have more questions?
Customers are encouraged to email balc@ballarat.vic.gov.au should you have any further questions or concerns.