Monday 2 November 2020
We are back, again!
We are thrilled that following the changing restrictions, our Health Club, indoor Group Fitness classes and indoor pools are returning in a limited capacity from Monday 9 November 2020!
The health and safety of our customers and employees remains our highest priority. We will have several measures in place to ensure everyone’s safety in the centre, including a deep clean of the Centre before reopening, requiring booking sessions before arrival, physical distance markers, temperature testing on arrival, regular cleaning of high touch surfaces, and more hand sanitisation stations throughout the Centre.
In line with government restrictions, we ask that you wear a mask while attending the Centre unless you are in the pool or participating in strenuous exercise.
Booking before you arrive
Access to BALC will be available via our online booking and payment system.
Everyone will be required to book a session online and pay casually.
For the purposes of contact tracing, please ensure your contact details are correct when making a booking online.
Bookings for our first sessions are now available in the online portal. Please note this schedule will evolve, with sessions being added and removed from time to time.
Click here if you need assistance with using the portal to book an online session.
Memberships will remain suspended for the time being.
Membership and visit pass reactivation options will be available soon. We will let members know when this option is available.
Arriving at BALC
We ask that you arrive no more than 5 minutes before your session starts.
Booking and accessing the Health Club.
Booking and accessing a Group Fitness class.
Booking a swim and accessing the pools.
Multipurpose pool
Our multipurpose pool will reopen on Monday 9 November.
Please note the multipurpose pool may be cooler than normal for the first week of reopening due to the completion of recent infrastructure works. The pool needs to be reheated gradually to prevent damage.
We out doing our best to reheat the pool as quickly as possible. We will update you once the pool is at its usual temperature.
Steam room and spa
The steam room and spa remain closed at this stage as per government restrictions.
Children’s gymnastics and swimming lessons
Gymnastics and swimming lessons are back in a limited capacity for a six-week block in Term 4. Children who were enrolled in Term 1, 2020 will be prioritised and offered a place in our programs first. Any places remaining will be communicated to the broader community on Friday 6 November. Please keep an eye on our website and Facebook page for updates.
Cafe and Children’s Centre
The Cafe and Children’s Centre are open.
To make a booking for the Children’s Centre, please call the team on 5330 4109.
Your questions answered
For answers to the questions you may have about our current operations, please check out our your questions answered page.
Contact us
Remember you can phone us on 5334 2499 between 9am and 5pm Monday to Friday or email balc@ballarat.vic.gov.au.