Boxing is a great workout that will burn calories, challenge both your mind and body and is fun to boot! So why does boxing for fitness provide such a powerful punch?
It’s intense…
The main difference between boxing and your everyday workout is the intensity. Boxing provides a higher intensity, anaerobic style workout which pushes your whole body to full exertion. Yes, it sounds a little daunting, but guaranteed that once you start to get into a routine your fitness levels will begin to drastically increase.
It provides variety…
Another great benefit is the variety of cardio exercise and resistance training in a boxing for fitness session. This variety provides the right combination to strengthen both your muscles and your bones, which can increase density and help to prevent the development of debilitating diseases like osteoporosis later in life.
It’s engaging and highly motivational…
How many times have you turned up to the gym with no clear direction or enthusiasm for your workout? That was a rhetorical question. We already know the answer. Boxing for fitness, on the other hand, is engaging, social and, due to its speedy effects on fat loss and body composition, highly motivational too. At the end of a boxing for fitness session the odds are you’ll see a bunch of exhausted but satisfied looking participants who have boosted not only their physical fitness but also their self-esteem, knowing they’ve given it all they had by pushing their minds and bodies to newer heights and making new friends in the process.
It’s great for getting the stress out…
Boxing for fitness is a great way to relieve stress. Sure, exercise in general has many physical and mental health benefits but being able to let out your fury on that punching bag takes the cake. This physical outlet lets you punch and sweat out those built up negative feelings, while at the same time replacing them with endorphin-fueled positive ones.
It’ll keep working long after you leave the studio…
Another key benefit of the intensity of boxing is that it keeps working your body and burning calories long after your session has finished, due to your sustained metabolic rate after each session. Plus, on a mental level, you’ll leave feeling like you’ve really achieved something. So, if you’re uninspired and seeking a new way to work out, you might want to pull on your gloves and channel your inner Muhammad Ali.
Kibox Combo is a freestyle boxing class that incorporates punching techniques, pad work, skipping, running and abdominal work. Try Kibox Combo for yourself, available in Studio 1 at BALC 4 days a week! Check the Winter Timetable for class times.